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Discover your new smile

O.SEM Dental Centers are among the leaders in dental implantology in Burgas and Bulgaria as a whole. Our team of oral surgeons and implantologists are renowned for their medical expertise in the fields of dental implantology and full mouth rehabilitation.

100% satisfied patients

Send your inquiry for dental implants

Please fill-in the form below and we will contact you to request more details and schedule a convenient check-up with one of our oral surgeons.
Впечатлена съм от уютната обстановка, която предлага клиниката. Изобщо нямаш чувството, че се намираш в медицинско заведение. Благодаря за професионализма и внимателната работа на д-р Стамболиев и д-р Радев! Шанс е да попаднеш на способни лекари, при които да си личи ,че работят с огромно старание и грижа към пациента.Самото отношение на екипа, посрещането при влизането с усмивка и ентусиазъм са рядкост. Препоръчвам ги!

Nina Karaivanova

Изключителни професионалисти!Сърдечни благодарности към д-р Радев и асистентката му Мария Пеевска - Желязкова за отношението и професионализма.Приеха ме по спешност , въпреки натоварения график, бях токова изплашена , защото бях с перфоринани синуси след екстракция на мъдрец.Успяха да овладеят ситуацията, да ме успокоят и да ми дадат кураж.Мария е толкова сърдечна , мила и внимателна дори и в почивни дни отговаря на обажданията ми.Дано по -често се срещаме с толкова прекрасни Хора!Благодаря Ви от сърце!

Krasimira Vladimirova

Щастлива съм, че намерих такъв прекрасен екип от професионалисти! Страхувах се много време да отида на зъболекар след редица неуспешни опити последните години и непрестанно препращане при различни специалисти. В Дентален Център О.СЕМ ми предложиха пълен набор от услуги и комплексен план на лечение съобразен изцяло с проблемите, които имах. Обслужването, обстановката и топлото отношение, които получих от целия екип на центъра са още едно доказателство за професионализма, който видях и правилния избор, който направих за моето лечение.

Boryana Boteva

Имам огромен страх от зъболекар и винаги съм избягвал да ходя, докато не ми се наложи по спешност и когато съм в България… Тук намерих решение под пълна упойка и след изваждането на мъртвия ми зъб и поставянето на имплант под пълна упойка се чувствам много добре и не усещам болка. Също така ми бяха оправени няколко зъба с кариеси. Специални благодарности на д-р Стамболиев и милите рецепционистки и сестри, които ме предразположиха и обясниха подробно за процедурите!

Jivko K


Страхотно обслужване, приветлив и обясняващ персонал! Рентгеновите снимки са по НЗОК, центърът е чист и приветлив. Препоръчвам с две ръце хирурга им д-р Радев!

Jenia Terzieva


Бях на посещение при д-р Стамболиев. Останах много доволен от всичко - професионалист в своята област! Препоръчвам!

Jhivko Nedyalkov


Благодаря на д-р Радев и на целия екип!

Стела Николова


Why Choose O.SEM?

3 reasons to trust us for your dental implants treatment

Dental clinics specialised in implantology

O.SEM is a chain of dental clinics with a particular focus on dental implantology

Substantial experience

Since its opening in 2021, we have successfully placed >700 dental implants in our clinics

Highly qualified experts

A team of qualified maxillofacial and oral surgeons, and implantologists

Trusted Experts

Maxillofacial and oral surgeons

Our team of maxillofacial and oral surgeons, and implantologists have a combined experience of >30 years, thousands of successfully placed implants and equally so satisfied patients

Renowned Names in Dental Implantology

Dr. Ivaylo

Maxillofacial and oral surgeon

Dr. Ivan

Oral surgeon

Dr. Angel

Oral surgeon

Dr. Ivan


Our Dental Implants

A wide range of proven implants with enhanced bone attraction and fast healing time
High quality implants from

High quality

A variety of dental implants designed for all clinical cases

Lifetime warranty

Lifetime warranty against implant fracture

Price < Quality

Excellent price-quality for implant treatments

New teeth in 3 days

Temporary crowns fixated within three days of your implant treatment

International implant certificate

Internationally recognised implant passport for your peace of mind

All-on-4 & All-on-6

Contemporary full mouth rehabilitation
All-on-4 & All-on-6 are quick and effective contemporary concepts for full mouth rehabilitation in cases of partial or complete teeth loss. The techniques offer patients an immediate restoration through a denture fixated on four or six dental implants.

Shorter treatment time

Damaged teeth are removed and replaced with dental implants. A temporary full mouth denture is placed within 3 days of the implant treatment. The permanent denture is fixated 6 months later

One surgical procedure only

Graftless procedure which spares the need for complex treatments such as sinus-lift or bone grafting

High success rates

Exceptionally high success rate observed across clinical cases

Post-treatment care and hygiene

The connection between the implant and the denture allows for a quick removal and place back, in case of a need for maintenance or adjustment

Low cost

Our patients can save up to 20% on the total treatment cost compared to our standard price list

Full Range of Axiliary Treatments

Teeth extractions

Placing of dental implants and temporary & permanent crowns on implants

Lateral or vertical sinus augmentation (sinus lift)

Bone grafting procedures

Bone preservation procedures

Recovery of total or partial tooth loss through all-on-4 / all-on-6 technique

Our Clinics

All procedures can be done under sedation or general anaesthesia

A comfortable recovery room for a post-op stay for up to 6 hours

On-the-spot x-ray & CBCT diagnostics

Clinical Cases

They already enjoy their new smile

Frequently Asked Questions

Q&A for prospective patients

The success rate is very high. Clinical studies indicate that success rates vary between 96% for upper jaw implants and 98% for lower jaw implants. Your body cannot “reject” the dental implants, i.e. titanium, from which implants are produced, is a biocompatible material. However, implants can fail in cases of inappropriate maintenance such as low hygiene or when patients apply excessive pressure on the implant through e.g. chewing on the implant during the weeks of osteointegration following the procedure.

The time for successful osteointegration varies depending on the position of the implant and the bone structure. On average, osteointegration takes at least two months for lower jaw implants and at least three months for upper jaw implants.

Bone structure could be key for a successful implant treatment. In our clinics, we can perform on-the-spot CBCT (3D) x-ray analysis to determine whether any bone grafting procedures would be necessary. Our specialists will advise you in such instances. In certain cases bone grafting procedures could be avoided through the All-on-4 & All-on-6 technology for full mouth rehabilitation.

Placing a dental implant is just like any other standard dental procedure. Strictly speaking, placing a dental implant can even hurt less than certain tooth extractions. Single tooth implants are placed by applying local anaesthesia. For treatments requiring several implants, bone grafting procedures or full mouth rehabilitation we usually advise for sedation or general anaesthesia.

After single implant treatments you can usually get back to work immediately, unless your job requires serious physical effort. For larger treatments, done under sedation or general anaesthesia, we recommend 2-3 days' rest.

After your treatment, our specialists will give you specific instructions on how to best take care of your implants.

Plan Your Visit Today


Burgas - Center
ul. "Tsar Simeon I" 12
8000 Burgas Center
Burgas, Bulgaria
Burgas - Izgrev
bul. "Nikola Petkov" 126
8008 g.k. Izgrev
Burgas, Bulgaria
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